Friday, April 18, 2008


The days are getting longer and warmer, and this week has been such a great time for the boys to get outside and play. These pics were taken today, while we were waiting for the choo-choo to go by and watching for Daddy to ride his 'bicyle' home.
Does anyone know how to rotate the picture of Noah? I have the original rotated on my computer but when blogger uploads my vertical pics, this is how they come up. I believe this problem started when we got our mac (which I love in all other respects).


Abby said...

Yeah, I don't know what the deal is but you can't just rotate it in preview. I have to rotate mine in Photoshop and save - do you have any other photo programs...did you try to turn it in i-photo?

Go all blacks! I have the same sweatshirt....well bigger....

The Bird Nest said...

thanks, Abby. I'll give it a try.

Unknown said...

rotate it in iPhoto. then click off of it. then click back on to transfer to your desktop and put onto your blog. that should work...

Anonymous said...

No problem rotating the picture, just rotate your head 90 degrees to the left.

Love you all


The Bird Nest said...

That's thinking outside the box, Dad! Thanks for the tip.

Dallas Lange said...

If you haven't already figured out the photo thing here is my advise:
any time you modify a photo in iphoto is gets saved as "modified" instead of "original." So when you are selecting a photo to upload you have to click on iphoto library and then modified instead of originals. Hope that makes sense.
And hi! You boys are very close in ages to our 2 kids so I know how busy you are. I will pray for little Noah too!