*Noah has not had more seizures and is continuing to grow and develop into a happy little guy. At his recent 6 month appointment, he weighed in at 18 lbs 1 oz and measured 28". He is *finally* starting to sleep through the night on a consistent basis!
*Jonah's favorite things right now are talking on the phone, learning how to jump, and playing with matchbox cars and 'The Guy' (a toy Gladiator action figure).
*We spent Thanksgiving with Amy's parents in Lancaster this year. We had a good time visiting with her brother's family while we were there.
*Amy submitted her resignation from apartment managing to devote more attention to Scott and the boys.
*The townhome we were looking to rent fell through, so now with a deadline quickly approaching to move out, we are back at square one and waiting for the Lord to show us where our next home will be.
*We spent Christmas at home, just the four of us. It was the first time we had not been with extended family for the holiday, and though we missed their company, we had a great time blending traditions from both sides of our families to make it uniquely 'ours'.
*Scott took Jonah up to the mountains near Yosemite for a couple of days; they left yesterday and will return tomorrow. They met Scott's Dad and family up there. Amy stayed behind with Noah to look after the apartment building and to pack up our things for our impending move.
If you think of it over the next few weeks, please pray for us during our transition. Specifically, please pray that the Lord would make it evident where we ought to live next. We are trying to find somewhere where we can be responsible stewards of our finances while at the same time having a safe neighborhood for the boys to be outside playing. So far we have found this to be nearly mutually exclusive but we know there is something out there. Please pray during our time of wrapping up this season of our lives and setting up home in the next. Scott starts his winterim class on the 7th and his final (!) semester shortly afterwards. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will provide and answer our prayers. He is faithful...
What a beautiful little guy!! can't wait to get my hugs!! Love you, mom
Bird family!
I am so glad for the update. Our little Lawson is 17 1/2 pounds but only 24ish inches. Gene's do play quite a roll, even at baby stages. Funny. I will be praying for ya'll. Your Noah is so cute. We are coming to Shepherd's Conference so we'll have to connect.
the grubbs
It was so great tp hear your voice yesterday and I am very excited to see you in March. Praise God for the blessing of being able to move and have time for the family and not to be so overwhelmed. God is good. I miss you. It is snowing here like cray and I am actually getting more and more used to driving in the snow. Crazy. Talk to you soon. love, DAisy
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