It's just a few minutes to a quarter past 8pm right now which means we are into little Noah's second day of life. The first 24 hours were quite busy with eating, pooping, sleeping, pooping, eating, sleeping, eating, pooping, heal pricks, weight measurements, pooping, eating and sleeping . He's developed the ability to create excrement in greater volume than his intake of food, he weighed in at 8lbs and 14 ounces today down from yesterdays 9 lbs 5 ounces. But he's also developed the ability to reduce us to blubbering mounds of parental admiration as we gwake and awe at out little guy. Pretty pathetic eh?
Noah also met Grandpa and Grandma Staley today. He also met his roommate for the next 18 years also. Their meeting began cordially enough with Jonah initially showing limited interest in this 'baby Noah.' But as time wore on Jonah developed quite a strong affection for the little guy, even going as far as tickling Noah's feet and patting him on the back.
Amy is doing well and is tired but excited about everything that has been going on. Visits from friends and family have been a real encouragement. We finished the day off with a pizza dinner and like our little guys we find that after eating and pooping... it's time for sleep.
Below are some highlight picture from today please enjoy.
Great pics! Thanks for posting them and Amy you look so good!
Scott, Amy, Jonah and Noah,
Congratulations! What sweet boys you have! We are praising Jesus with you guys!
Kevin, Jody and Abby Sauder
Love the pics, man. You guys are so blessed. :)
Oh Amy and Scott!
He is sooooooo cute! It looks like he's smiling! He must be thinking of how I referred to him as a "she" during the pregnancy! He sure fooled us!!! Amy, you look great! Congratulations on ANOTHER beautiful baby Bird!!!
Love, The Thompsons
I am enjoying all the new photos you posted today, Scott. I'm glad you are home already. Hope you guys grab some shuteye tonight. Talk to you soon. All my love, Mom
We're so happy for you guys! I just happened to check your site for the first time ever today, and lo and behold, the family is bigger! Congratulations!
Josh, Melody and Nadiya
He is so cute! And big!! Congratulations and good job, Amy. Caleb was 21.5 inches long, which tops out the percentile scale, so I'm not sure what that makes Noah--110%? :) This is twice you've encountered difficulty getting to the hospital--maybe next time you should just camp out there for the last trimester.
Sorry we couldn't make it over to the hospital this weekend, but we hope to see you soon (if we brought dinner would that make it up to you?)
Lots of love,
Cristi Lewis and the gang
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