Sunday, August 20, 2006

I couldn't believe my ears...

Someone tell me that Jonah didn't really say this...I know it's too early's the story:
I just endured one of the loooongest and looouuuudest bouts of screaming that Jonah has had in his whole life. Poor little guy couldn't sleep after I put him down for bed, and he was doing his cry that he does when he's in pain--the loud shriek followed by silence while his body continues to convulse and his face turns bright red...then repeat the process. Well, I went in once to make sure that no appendages were stuck in between the bars of the crib and to pat his tummy and remind him that everything is okay. I left and the cries intensified. I decided that he was in enough pain to merit some Tylenol and I held him, walked with him, rocked him, sang to him, bounced him, kissed him, cuddled him, etc. etc. etc. Didn't work. The cries only got more mournful. About an hour into screaming with no sign of comfort in sight, I called Scott at work for some comfort (not for Jonah but for myself! It can really get to me after awhile). Jonah, wanting to be on his best behavior for his Daddy, let his cries die down to a wimper while I was on the phone. After I hung up with Scott, Jonah let out a few more good cries, then...
he lay his head on my shoulder...
and said...clear as day...

"Night night!"

I couldn't believe it and I thought for sure that the second I put him down in his crib again and started to leave his room that he would come unglued, but he smiled at me as I wound up Mr. Cuddles and I haven't heard a peep out of him since. That was a half an hour ago.

Maybe he just wasn't ready for bed?!?!? Crazy kid.


Abby said...

I'm surprised he didn't say HOSPITAL! Good to talk today. Much love

A UNIQUE BUNcH said...

It could have been the real thing!
Amber spoke some at 6 months ( mama
baba-for bottle- and da da. Scott may remember..or he may not. It was in the months leading up to Marks wedding and Scott would visit us.
How sweet that he said "night-night." Please give him a hug for us.