Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Well, Jonah must have known that today is a special day for mommies, and he wanted to make the most of it. Yup, you can cram a lot of fun into days that start at 4 a.m. I'm sure it was just his way of making me feel special and needed, but he didn't want me to go back to bed after feeding him. Nope...he wanted me to play with him. He had a lot in mind for me today and didn't think everything could possibly get done if we slept in until 6 or 7. So I've spent the day with my little guy...feeding him, changing him, reading to him, playing with him, swinging him, taking pictures of him, etc. And he's spent the day rewarding me with bright smiles, little giggles, and squeals of delight. Now that I think of it, today is not unlike any other day. Just another day that I have the privilege of being his Mom.
Scott and I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to our Moms (Deanna, Freida, Rose), our Grandma (Amy), and our friends who are mothers or soon-to-be mothers! You all are very special to us. Thanks for all you do.


Anonymous said... is our little cutie...Happy 1st Mom's Day Amy.

Love From The Modesto Birdnest!

P.S.What a great mommy Jonah has, bet he will sleep tonight and tomorrow.

A UNIQUE BUNcH said...

Happy first Mother's Day, Amy. This is a pretty picture of you and Jonah is cute, too.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great mother's day sweetie! You certainly have a special gift. :) Love you, mom

John and Daisy said...

You are too cute with Jonah. He really is developing so much character. I love the look on his face in each of the pictures. You look like a very happy mommy. Love you guys,
John & Daisy

Anonymous said...

You & Jonah are SO cute together!!!I am glad you had a very special first mother's day!!

Christine Kinsley

p.s.i am roxanne's daughter