Jonah at 6 weeks old, almost. He'll be 6 weeks old on Monday. Proud, you bettcha! But humble? Sure we are. We ask Lord Jesus every day for strength and wisdom. Little Jonah is our stewardship from God and we want to do best we can because it's good for baby and glorifying to God. Pray for us that everyday we learn more about loving God, Jonah, each other and our friends and family.
he's so adorable. i hope and pray and trust the Lord's guidance and strength for both you and amy. human birth is indeed a miracle and it's a privilege to witness it through your precious child. i bet the gospel hit home like it never has before.
jonah douglas bird... what a name for a cute little guy.
Scott and Amy, little Jonah is such a cute cute baby boy :). Congratulations on this precious miracle from God! We love viewing the pics, very fun. May the Lord continue to bless you three!
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