Friday, February 09, 2007

What we're Reading

In a spoof of a common blog feature variously titled, "what we're reading", "books on the coffee table", "Currently Reading" and so on and so forth we thought we might offer a curious alternative reading list. Instead of learned literary scholars or savvy readers contributing to our list we thought we might consult another well read literary critic. His identity will remain unknown as part of the mystery is figuring out who our contributor is by the contents of his current reading list. Without further ado...

1) Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom- this clever tale of an adacious alphabet adventure is punctuated by the periodic refrain "CHICKA, CHICKA, BOOM BOOM" the rest of lyrical prose is devoted to the childhood struggle of climbing to the top of the tallest tree. I give this book two teeth marks and a large amount of droll

2) The Very Lonely Firefly- this childhood classic, and a classic it is since it falls in line with the Homeric tradition. Our lonely hero seeks out his own but on his way confronts false identities, dangerous deceptions and devious impostures. In the end our very lonely firefly risks gossamer wing and antennae to find an illumonus community of his own. Whenever I read this book the Mill's Brother refrain runs through my mind, "Glow little glow worm, shimmer, shimmer, you got the tail light, glimmer, glimmer....." I also give this book two teeth marks but a smaller amount of drool since the book does contain electronic circuitry.

3) Guess How Much I Love You- not just a rhetorical question, this is the title of well traveled children's book. This tome explores the intimate, elaborate and yet heart warming tale of a mother hare and her baby hare. This is a tale of discovery, for as much as our little rabbit believes he understands his mothers love he is continually exposed to the fact that his mothers love is greater than he can ever conceive. I give this book one tooth (since I only had one when I first read this volume) but also a significant amount of approving droolage.

Next on the book shelf , the Pokey Little Puppy, Sin and Temptation by John Owen and the Complete Works of Mother Goose.

This list compiled and published by

Jonah Bird

-Always in search of a good book.....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's Been a While

We have not abandoned the blog, just neglected it for awhile. But we thought what better way to jump-start the old blog than by creating a post about a momentous milestone in Bird Nest history! But before we get to that let me take your hand and walk you through the past few months

1) Scott's grandmother, who has suffered a stroke November, died the Thursday before Christmas. 'How sad!" may be your response but we would tell you that nothing better could have happened this Christmas! She has walked with Jesus nearly her entire life and had been anticipating being call home for more than a decade. So when the time came for her to finish her walk on earth she went peacefully, surrounded by loved ones and confidently knowing that the Gospel promise of peace with God and eternal life in His presence was at hand.

2) Apartment managing has been very time consuming (a-la the reason the blog has been neglected). Clogged sink? No problem. Noisy neighbors? I'll send my husband. But there have been numerous blessings.

3) Speaking of blessings since our new apartment is twice the size of our old place, Jonah just up and decided he'd better get mobile if he was to take full advantage of all this floor space. If you didn't catch it, Jonah now moves and even walks well with a little assistance.

4) School started back up for Scott who is taking 7 units (one class on how to prepare and deliver sermons and another on theology). But with the start of the spring semester also comes the arrival of conference season at GCC. The Resolved conference which will draw more than 3,500 attendees takes place the end of February and the good ol' Shepherds Conference takes place a week after that.

But now to the good stuff. Jonah had his first birthday yesterday. We had a nice dinner and then served Jonah his very own B-Day cake. Need I say more? I think the picture will take the lead from here....
Camera shy! But then in the good old days your nudie pic's were consigned to your grandmothers family photo album only to be unveiled again for the dating years. But doesn't every good 1st birthday end in a bath?